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HYYH: The Notes/LY: Her

Seokjin: 13 June Year 22

by shootinghearts_ 2019. 11. 5.

We were all alone after we returned from the sea. 


It’s like we decided not to contact each other. We could only assume each other’s existences through the graffiti left on the street, the gas station with its bright lights turned on, and the piano sounds coming from an old building. At those times, images of that night came back to life like ghosts. Taehyung’s pupils dripped flames. Everyone gazed at me as if they had heard an unbelievable story. Namjoon’s hands were stopping Taehyung. And I, unable to control myself, began throwing punches at Taehyung. 


Taehyung ran away nowhere to be found, and no one was left in our lodging. Only a broken glass cup, the bloodstain congealed to the floor, and some cookie crumbs remained and reawakened the events of a few hours ago. A picture lays on the floor. We were all smiling together in the photo we posed so hard for at the sea. 


Today again, I pass the gas station. A day will come when we meet again. A day will come when we smile together like we are taking a photo. A day will come when I am able to muster up the courage to face myself entirely. It still isn’t time yet. A damp wind is blowing like that day. In the next instant, my phone rang like a warning. The photo hanging on the rear view mirror shook. Hoseok’s name came up on the screen.


“Jungkook was in a car accident that night.”



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