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HYYH: The Notes/LY: Her

Taehyung: 25 June Year 22

by shootinghearts_ 2019. 11. 5.

While deliberately slowing my pace, I cocked my head listening for the small sound of footsteps behind me. Today was the third time bumping into her at the convenience store. As always, she ran away from me again today as soon as she saw me. She hung around the empty lot behind the convenience store and hid herself as I came out. She thought she was hidden, but her long shadow stretched out over the empty lot. I let out a small laugh. Pretending not to see her, I started walking and she began to follow. 


I entered a narrow alleyway. This was the only place in the neighborhood where the streetlight wasn’t smashed. The alleyway was long, and the streetlight was positioned right in the center. In front of a light source, shadows appear behind you. Therefore, my shadow would be draped behind my feet. I didn’t know if my shadow reached the toes of the footstep sounds following me as she held her breath. As I reached the point directly under the streetlight, my shadow hid underneath my feet. Picking up more speed, I began to walk faster and faster as the streetlight drifted behind me. My shadow extended in front of me. I didn’t have to walk long before a shadow that wasn’t mine appeared on the dusty street. As I stopped and stood there, so did the sound of the footsteps. The shadows of two different heights stood side by side. 


I told her, “I'll wait until you come over here.” The shadow seemed to jump in surprise. She held her breath as if to pretend she was invisible. “I know you’re there.” I pointed to her shadow with my finger. Shortly after, the sound of loud, deliberate footsteps started to come closer. I laughed.






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