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HYYH: The Notes/MOTS: Persona

Seokjin: 30 May Year 22

by shootinghearts_ 2019. 11. 27.

There was only one hint given to me. Map of the Soul. I don’t know what it is or what to do with it. It’s an unfamiliar phrase that I can’t even make a guess about. Even so, I needed a starting point, and I anticipated that “Map of the Soul” was just that. But it wasn’t. I investigated Map of the Soul through countless loops but came up with nothing. Looking back, this is how it was when I first started all of this. Do you believe that you can fix everyone’s accidents and mistakes and save them? When I nodded yes to that question, I didn’t have the slightest understanding of the kinds of things I would experience.     


I left bookshelves full of books covered in dust behind when I exited the used bookstore. The cherry blossoms flew in the wind as I walked up the steps and entered the alleyway. I suddenly got the feeling that I had come here before and looked behind me. The bookstore was located in the basement. The entrance was dim, and I couldn’t see the sign well. No? Am I getting it mixed up with another bookstore? I went to so many used bookstores and libraries looking for a hint about Map of the Soul. It goes without saying that I searched through all the internet databases and keywords I could think of. And while doing all of this, I couldn’t even remember if I’ve visited this bookstore or not. If not, I could’ve just visited a similar one.


I headed for my car, which I parked in front of the opening of the alleyway. I started the car and put my hands on the wheel, but I had no idea where to go now.






'HYYH: The Notes > MOTS: Persona' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Seokjin: 4 June Year 22  (0) 2019.11.27
