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HYYH: The Notes/LY: Tear

Jimin: 19 May Year 22

by shootinghearts_ 2019. 11. 7.

Eventually, I had to go to the Grass and Flower Arboretum. I had to stop the lie that I didn’t remember what happened there. I had to stop hiding at the hospital and having seizures. I had to go there to do that. With that mindset, I’d found myself at the bus stop for the past few days. But I couldn’t ride the Grass and Flower Arboretum shuttle bus. 


Today, Yoongi came and sat next to me. Three buses went by. I asked why he came with me, and he said he was bored and had nothing else to do. He asked why I was sitting here. I lowered my head and tapped the ground with the tip of my shoes. I thought about why I was sitting here like this. It was because I had no courage. I wanted to pretend that I was okay, that I knew something, that this was nothing, but in truth I was scared. I was afraid of what I would face, of what I would endure, and of having a seizure. 


Yoongi looked relaxed. His shoulders drooped as if there were no problems in the world, and he talked about the weather being nice and other useless things. But it wasn't until I heard those words that I realized the weather really was nice. I was so nervous that I didn’t have a reason to look around. The sky was so blue. There was even an occasional warm wind. The shuttle bus for the arboretum was coming in the distance. The bus stopped, and the doors opened. The driver looked at me. Impulsively, I asked.


“Yoongi. Can we go together?”



'HYYH: The Notes > LY: Tear' 카테고리의 다른 글

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