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HYYH: The Notes/MOTS: Persona

Taehyung: 7 June Year 20

by shootinghearts_ 2019. 11. 29.

“That stupid mutt. Couldn’t wait for just a moment.” I ran through the entire neighborhood, but I couldn’t find Dubu. When I checked the time, twenty minutes had passed. Where could a dog that’s been with me for two months have gone in twenty minutes? I was sweating profusely in the summer sun. The inside of my mouth was dry from screaming “Dubu!” at the top of my lungs. I had dropped the leash when I was checking my phone. And when I turned around, Dubu was gone. I started to run again. I checked alleyway after alleyway and even inside yards with open gates. “Dubu!” I shouted loudly. People turned their heads, but nothing else. 


I scolded Dubu to myself, calling him a stupid dog while running around here and there. This is because you’re a dirty mutt, I would say and even get angry. But I knew in that moment that none of this was because of Dubu. It was my fault. I had looked away. I didn’t watch him and dropped the leash. I chuckled away at unimportant conversations, not even aware that Dubu had disappeared. Did Dubu run away on purpose? I stood completely still as soon as I thought that. Dubu must not have enjoyed spending time with me. Maybe living together was only happy for me, and for Dubu it was nothing more or less than separating from his family. 


In the very next moment, I heard a snapping sound along with Dubu’s barking. I thought I was hallucinating at first. But then I saw Dubu, who was not a hallucination or an illusion, running into the alleyway. The small two-month-old puppy was running down the sloping path, ears flying backward and mouth wide open. “Dubu!” I shouted loudly while getting on my knees to lower my body, and Dubu came flying toward me. “Where did you go? How did you get here? Did you remember my smell?” The moment he had just barely made it into my grasp and was licking my cheek, I was filled with a bunch of strange thoughts. I’m the only family that Dubu can depend on. I can be a person that someone can depend on. I can be a place that someone wants to come back to. Dubu tried to escape, possibly frustrated, but I just squeezed him tighter.






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